hootie mcboob

Gonna be interesting to see what they do with Scott Eastwood as Deathstroke.

Upvoted for Clayface.

Looks like hell froze back over.

More like a leaflet, something akin to Famous Jewish Sports Legends.

Was this really the end?

Look at that. Already learnin his A,B,Cs……


The only guilty man in Shawshank?

What's next, an expose on the Big Johnson T-shirts?


That idea was about as good as a Jump To Conclusions Mat.

You said it Francine.

New Radiohead, but I'm probably just jinxing it by mentioning it.


Try to let it go my man or it'll eat you up.

You're the unsilent majority!!!

Thanks for the info Lupin.

Hell of a pitcher, washed up by the time he got to the Sox.

Somebody call me?

SuperFudge or gtfo.