hootie mcboob

Domnhall was actually one of my favorite parts. Think about it, somebody that young rises to the ranks of General of the First Order, he must've done some pretty sick things. He did what the part called for in my opinion.

I kept hoping the big weapon was going to be the Star Forge and that Rey would have to use Battle Meditation.


I know you can be overwhelmed, and underwhelmed. But can you just be "whelmed"?

He is a tax attorney….. And he is an anesthesiologist….

Sam Robards, Jason Robards son. I remember him most as one of the gay neighbors with Scott Bakula in American Beauty.

Ryan Fitzpatrick?

Well Donnie Yen is in Rogue One so I'm excited about that.

The Force hits the snooze button.

I know it probably doesn't deserve a spot, but I was hoping Drunk History would be on either of these lists.

You have no sense of humor!!!!!!

No no I'd definitely watch that. On mute.

Unfinished Business wasn't that bad. I can think of at least a half dozen other movies deserving to be on this list.

He should do a movie with Katherine Heigl.

Swing low?…… Sweet chariot?

Chad Lowe……. Sweep low!!!

I found a website last week that spoiled the whole movie. Needless to say, I'm a fucking idiot.

Clearly it's gonna be Frank Stallone.

You go, we go.

Same with Jennifer Jason Leigh.