hootie mcboob

Still gives me chills to his day.

Give it to me, pleeeeeeeaaaasssseee


Name me one time that hasn't worked.

Cut off one of their heads and put it atop a pike.

"Hey Hat-Hair!!!!"


Glasses on, hair up.

Can they dub Afflecks voice with Kevin Conroy then?

I think my friend described it best when he went there, it's like Worcester but bigger.

I work for Dick Jones! Dick! Jones!

Who's THEY?!!!!

I've read some rumors to that effect, but of course nobody knows for sure. It would explai how he got Luke's light saber from Empire.

My guess is that C3-PO is with Leia and that's why you haven't seen much of him. And that little piano at the beginning has to be the work of Michael Giacchino right?

Needs more Lando.

This guy right here gets it.

I hear you. There's certain actors right now I'd watch in anything, and right now at the top of my list are him and Ben Mendelsohn.

You can't kill Luke yet, someone needs to train new Jedi. Plus the rumors of Hayden Christensen appearing in Episode VIII would mean that movie will probably focus more on Luke.

*cracks knuckles and prepares to administer a wedgie*

Abradolph Lincler?