hootie mcboob

What's Joe Piscopo got going on these days?

The Man With The Golden Schlong

Have one for me Bizarro!

And if he's a part of more movies like Sunshine and Snowpiercer then I'm all for it.

Look at him…….. Getting off on being withholding.

It's about time!

I ummmm actually liked The Comedians.

Now in Parkinson's-Vision!!!

You're thinking of Susan Sarandon.

The Cosmic Pinto.

No MANIMAL, it's clearly Frank Stallone.

Thank you Will Harris. Jimmy James was the first and only thought that popped in my head.

Now I start my petition to Fox to bring back The Good Guys.

Nice to see there's no shortage of cocaine in Hollywood.

How could anyone not like you?!!!

They never woulda pulled this shit if Teddy Bonkers was still working there.

Things are getting too spicy for the pepper.

It'll give you character.

Trump has been slowly morphing into Lex Luthor over the course of this election so far.

Yeah but I call my own children fucking idiots, so you should be flattered.