hootie mcboob

I should hate Julia but dammit I just can't do it

Nora is the wild card, the girl that nobody knew existed and Bam! she's gone like that.

What is Joel the new Mike Brady?

Hanks ex is gonna up and disappear and leave Sarah and Hank to raise Ruby Ridge. You heard it here first!!

My long-shot prediction on the Braverman death pool.

NAMBLA members unite!

I kid. I try not to judge someone on just one movie, and he wasn't the biggest problem with that movie. Looking at you Douche Willis.

Jai Courtney huh? How's that guy get work after that dreadful Die Hard shit?

No it has more to do with telegraphing who's going to be a villain and that they're bad all along ie Eddie Brock in Spider-Man 3. Given that Thawne is a coworker and possible friend of Barry's, I'd like to see them take their time setting that up, assuming that he'll be Reverse Flash someday.

One of the things I like most so far is that you have Eddie Thawne, clearly going to be Reverse Flash at some point, is treated as a straight up character and not some villain in waiting. He gets along with Barry and I'm sure they'll fall out over Iris but there's a long time before we get there and that's fine by me.…

Well why don't you marry it?!

Or possibly Harvey Dent, just a flip of the coin controls your fate. Could be good or bad.

Man I gotta get some of those "sober pills"

One mans trash is another mans treasure.

No no I pulled out way early on that one

Mort Gadot?

Bust out the binoculars!

My little buttercup….

I had all those toys. M.A.S.K was what led to my love affair with Centurions.

Oh boy Spider-man and His Amazing Friends!