hootie mcboob

It's always best to fire someone on a Friday.

Looking up at the lights of the Goodyear Blimp

Say what ya want but Cassi Thomson is gorgeous. There I said it.

If it fits the story I could see it but I don't see it happening just for the sake of "killing off a major character." But considering we lost Carter last season and the toll that took on everyone I'd be very surprised if it occurs. Not that I want to see it but Shaw is the most expendable in my opinion.

Yeah I wonder what she's up to as well. My guess is a The Machine has some grand plan to beat Samaritan and Root is the key.

On Saturday my middle son broke his arm at the playground during his brothers soccer game. A ghastly break, both bones not far from the wrist. Unfortunately he's going in for surgery to fix it tomorrow morning and will be in a full arm cast for the next 4 weeks. Poor guy. So I've taken the week off from work and we've

I went to specialists for my migraines with no luck. The only hing I've found that help is Excedrin migraine and marijuana. But not a day goes by that I don't get one. And as bizarro said mine all seem to be weather related too, ultra-sensitive to changes in air pressure. Keep on fighting the good fight.

Where's he work?

Ditto on everything you said.

Oh and great review by the way Alexa

Like we needed any more reason to believe Reese is Batman.
Love how he systematically took those private contractors out 1 at a time, and then his interrogation of them. Classic.

The Natural

"You know how pathetic you are Al?!"

Very true. And I'd like to think I've done my part in getting that word out there. In fact I was reading a very interesting article recently claiming that the problem has been identified and treatments on rats are beginning, which will have a major impact on Autistic people and their families.

It's tough. When my son was diagnosed as Autistic I began doing tons of research and really did start to wonder if vaccines could've played a part in it, mostly because he started showing signs right after getting vaccinated. But the more and more I read and with common sense I realized that wasn't the case. Now even

What about The Cowboy Way?!

At least once a week I do Burt(Richard Mulligans) disappearing act from Soap.

Better have Krista Allen in it!!!

I liked what a scumbag he was in Sucker Punch. Probably the only decent thing to say about that movie.

Where's my super suit?!!!