hootie mcboob

Christ you're amateur man!!!

Give it 45 minutes after the review goes up

I'm looking forward to that Ferrari biopic.

Someone threw my dad's copy of the Beach Boys Pet Sounds out the car window and 25 years later noones claimed responsibility.

It stinks!!!

Chongs Dance of Despair

Too close for missiles I'm switching to guns!!!!!!

All anyone has to do is watch Girl Interrupted to see how talented she was.

Man what I wouldn't give for a good acid trip again. Been 15 years since I have but I'll never have that much time to devote to it.

Just one of those days man

Have an upvote on me

Tune in Thursday nights on UPN to find out!

Nick Offerman added to Sesame Street could be just the shot in the arm PBS needs

Some of them were really asking for it

"Are you about a size 14?"

You're fly is down

Based on true events

Don't be sorry rawr!!!!

I liked their piece on the wasted billions in the reconstruction of Afghanistan and Iraq

Booked my tickets for the Jets Broncos game at the Meadowlands Oct 12th. Probably gonna get annihilated but it does feel better watching my guys lose amongst other Jet fans. Our misery is unmatched.