hootie mcboob

Go vent to some hookers

Rod Serlings been dead a looooonnnnng time

He's got nothing on that Tom Berenger (whistles)

Person of Interest

Kens brother?

Going to see Mary Palmer and her 5 sisters

Yo soy tu papa

I feel for you Gary but don't feel the least bit bad about it. Break ups happen and people have to deal with it. You don't want the relationship you're in so it sounds like you're gonna have to be pretty blunt about it. And put as much distance between you two as much as you can. But what do I know my nicknames become

I love this story

I read that as Alan Rickman. Damn I need new glasses

Pure polyester!

Man it's been a rough year for break ups so far

Now if you'll excuse Oh. That Knife, he has to return some videotapes

The More You Know…..

I haven't seen his much tension since the Hansel/Zoolander feud of so many years ago

Play Takin Care of Business!!!

Wait for it….

It was at Adam and Kristina's house if you aske me. For one Adam was at he head of the table, maybe means nothing, and it was a welcome home party for Haddie. And I know in the Parenthood world that anything is possible I find it hard to believe in the middle of their move that they'd be able to set up something like

I'm still waiting for the mummy trend to really catch hold

So it'll mesh well with Hayden Panettieres ginormous head?