hootie mcboob

Man I'd pay anything to see that. Have each book be a season

Eckhardt!!………. Think about the future!

I always said if my life were a movie Tom Wilkinson would be a lock to play my dad. I'd definitely settle for Sam Shepherd though

I'm continually telling people to watch it cuz I do believe it's the best show going right now but feel like a broken record. I wish it was on another channel so maybe it'd get more exposure and some well-deserved awards.

You ever get sick of telling people how good that show is? I'm asking…… For a friend of mine

That's his own fault for buying it from the man who sold the world

Yes. Yes I due

Damn typo!

Awesome episode! Did anyone else notice at the end that Amy Ackerman looks pregnant? If so congrats to her!

With sexy results?

My kids have probably watched that a thousand times. Thanks for the flashback

All The Following and no beer makes Sonia something something….

I know where are the rest of the POI fans? Big night tonight! They've set everything up for what's to finish out the season and I have no clue where they're going with all of it.

$1 Craig!!!!

Fuckin A!!

Go on….

Donald Sutherland is so fantastic in that movie too

The only ones that come to mind are Roseanne and The Middle

How there's very few people depicted on TV scraping by, barely able to pay their bills like most of society.

Oh yeah that's right. Classic