hootie mcboob

Wow that's a very accurate description

Pitch Perfect 2: Low and Outside

Small Wonder?

Cuz they're a bunch of FUCKIN AMATEURS!!!

Hell I can get ya a toe.

Nobody's Fool was much better

Gotta thrown in an honorable mention for his role as Raymor in Nobodys Fool, had some great chemistry with Paul Newman

Empire Falls

I see your point and I agree, particularly thinking of All Star Superman. Like Samuel Jackson says in Unbreakable, usually the bad guys the opposite of he hero.

And of course by now I've seen everything….

In a way it kinda makes sense. You want someone who is physically the opposite of Superman.

When I saw Deadshot I actually thought it might've been Spacey. And his episode where him and Luthor switch minds was one of the most memorable.

I'm hoping they go with the comic version where he killed his parents, got a shit-ton of insurance money from it, and that's how he started his empire.

We'll now I gotta watch Canadian Bacon to get my anti-Canadian emotions riled up!!

Not me I'm healthy as a horse. Not a drip.

Game. Blouses

Agreed! Very solid series. Whatever you do stay away from the Ultimate Avengers animated movies. Just terrible stuff, as goes for most of Marvels animated features. Although the Dr. Strange movie was well done.

Reservation Road

Jonathan Nolan?

Just pulled a Le Beef on you