hootie mcboob

The only problem is you gotta have him at 4:30 pm

As a longtime Jets fan I'm finding it more and more difficult to explain my fandom. At least during the Rich Kotite years it was amusing, now it's just sad

Room for one more?

Who cares if it's true, makes for a great story either way. I shall now pass it on as fact.

I'd probably have to go with Michael Ironside.

I feel the same way about Bob Ross. His bio is pretty incredible

Maid Marian

One of the few fights in cinema that you feel are genuine. By the end of it even the viewer is exhausted.

"Are you yelling at me in my own house?!"

"And I couldnt have done any of this without the tireless work of The Husky Bro…."

He really did sell the part of just being "an analyst"

Agreed. They are completely crazy but so what? And to do it on live TV was the icing on the cake!

And James Marsdens was in Sex Drive!

Yes! How could you not love all that in just ONE book?

How fantastic would a Rainbow Six movie be?

You are correct!

You're only offended if you let yourself be. Same goes for being taken advantage of. That's how I see it.

That they were so batshit crazy and Jack Ryan becomes President from the weirdest string of events ever? Come on man that was gold!

Seems not too many people could stand to see Denver wiped out on the big screen

Mrs. Mcboob cannot stand when I play that song. For better or worse right?