hootie mcboob

Thank you A.V. Club for making me laugh everyday. As Mrs. McBoob would tell you thats not an easy thing to do. Keep up the good work!!

Wow!!! That is all.

Wow!!! That is all.

Wow!!! That is all.

Wow!!! That is all.


Bob Gunton. The guys perfect for Frank Drebbin

Congratulations Ed I hear Edna's pregnant again…. Yeah and when I find the guy…….

Person of Interest. Best show on TV right now. Perfect balance of case-of-the-week and continuing overall story. It has solid writing, acting, and production. Not to mention the parallels between it and the Batman Universe.

Haters wanna hate…. lovers wanna love….. me I dont want none of the above I want to piss on you

If you want me to pose nude you're gonna need a long lens

And of course by now I've seen everything

Were you in the shit??

I agree. But if this hadn't been a remake of such a classic then it wouldnt be looked at so poorly. And it should stand out too based on the lack of good political thrillers. My dad and I have always shared a bond over Tom Clancy and how nobody can seem to do the books justice. Oh and Shadow Recruit looks abysmal.

Hey opinions are opinions and if someone didnt like it I can accept that. But to say its one of the worst movies of the year is criminal. Paging Mr. Sandler……

Jesus enough with the Man of Steel hate. Youre telling me there weren't worse movies than that? Lone Ranger? G.I. Joe 2? Was it a perfect movie? No but it wasnt garbage either.

Ive never seen another movie like it and probably never will again

Tom Skerritt and Michael Ironside or no deal

"Im not even gonna count it!"

Just like fuckin Vietnam!!!!!!!