
Never not getting an upvote for a critic quote.


Why would anyone dye a knife yellow? Obviously that is not a real place.

I did w AT&T uverse before they jacked the price on me by 100%

The Republican Party

That's too bad. I liked the show but don't get fusion with Comcast.

The best was Louis CK telling Fallon he sabotaged his audition for the Dana Carvey Show.

We're not gonna protest! We're not gonna protest!

They call me MISTER Al.

Only the dumbest people talk about sequels ruining their childhood.

This video you purportedly wrote a story about is private, Internet AV club. Jesus Christ.

Just to be clear: only dumb female celebrities who do bad reality shows or bad pop music.

Nah. It's pretty awful.

I've been both a diehard sports fan and a diehard comics fan my entire life. I have no problem w people not liking one or the other.

Agreed. Certain segments simply think they are both nerdier and funnier. They're not.

A dozen comments w 50 up votes is not a good measure of broader sentiment.

Ah. How long have you two known each other?

Jesus with all those great names how is some person I've never heard of #1? What is the metric?

This sounds like a terrible idea for your house, but paella is one of the great meals in the world, so… 50/50?

If NWA doesn't play "Hello" at the Rock hall induction, that would be an all time missed opportunity.