Julia Oceania

It will be nothing but ashes in the end, just like the Library at Alexandria (I still make cry faces when I think about that library as a book lover)

They've already lost. Or did you not see the emptiness of Cersei's "victory", You thought she was bad before, she has nothing to lose anymore.

Carnivorous horse is better than a zombie horse, just my opinion

Lancel: this weeks guy that doesn't know how to zigzag, ur,.,,I mean blow.

It is possible that she learned how to prepare and use faces herself

I think it comes down at the end of the first episode

The Jaime of the books had no use for Cersei, and he left her to her fate. He burned her plea for help,

I know that Dorne has a different attitude towards women and bastards, but when it comes to bastards they aren't that much different than Westeros

Bran is not a mere teenage boy. He is the Three-eyed Raven, so I suppose it depends on the amount of respect he is given based upon who he is as to whether or not he'd be believed (at least in the North)

I am still rooting for Jaime to survive to the end. I surprisingly find him to be one of the few decent people in this story, even though he pushed Bran out a window right after we met him.

Yeah. losing Margaery was the only loss inside the entire Sept.

I guess I am a villain too, I enjoyed her blowing them all to pieces. I was a little surprised about her atttitude towards Tommen jumping out the window, but I guess sacrifices gotta be made.

The last time Bran Warged the Boltons still controlled Winterfell, so I can see why they aren't rushing to the Home Weirwood tree.

I actually laughed when she got her revenge. I know this makes me a little evil, but as much as I can't stand her, I disliked the High Sparrow even more

True, I humbly apologize. There is a reason I come to this site first.

I hope I do not read through these comments and find people were disappointed.

I don't go to movies very much, so I'll be okay, thanks for caring.

Going on forever, beautiful and empty… yep.

I won't be investing myself in anything Logan does ever again. I feel betrayed by the way this ended. It isn't that I expected a happy ending here, but a surprise series finale with no denouement, I just do not no what to make of it all. Narratively is was a bad choice for what was otherwise a beautiful project.

I would call a god resurrecting a person a definite theological statement. Magic is real in this world, we know that. We also know that the Old Gods are real, and there are chapters released from the next book that talk about the Drowned God as well, so I do think that religion is a real part of this world. GRRM