
Will they finally figure out after this movie is released that Steve Jobs just wasn't a very interesting man?

You mean Onan Pictures.

Is this a reference I'm not understanding?

Why are the Grammys so awful? The Oscars are lame, but they usually award movies that are usually worthy of some praise. Is there something structurally wrong in the recording industry or the voting body that make the awards such an embarrassment?

To those who are wondering, four of these movies - Room 237, Computer Chess, Upstream Color, and Frances Ha - are on Netflix already.

Yeah, Shakespeare is shit too. No one talks like that.

Charlotte Gainsbourg's father must be ashamed to see his little girl prostituting herself to moviegoers.

Businesses are run on more than objective business analysis; the personalities of its executives play a role. I would imagine a company would benefit from having a healthy work force that respects a corporate structure that does not play these disrespectful shell games. It is clear that, based on previous statements

I use "the Continent" to distinguish mainland Europe from the British Isles and from the Anglosphere in general, which has a different intellectual tradition that does not manifest itself in the "public intellectual." It does not necessarily imply that the public intellectual exists only on mainland Europe, but that

The fact that corporations that post massive quarterly profits are cutting back on hours to avoid giving their workers health insurance is an indictment on those companies, not "the government" or the PPACA.

Why do you assume that I am being an asshole and that I mean that the people of the United States cannot be intelligent and witty and curious? A public intellectual is fulfilling a role that may or not have anything to do with the person's intelligence, a role that I do not think has been a major part of American

Public intellectuals exist on the Continent. Was there ever a strong tradition of this in the United States in the first place?

When are we going to see some dong!?

"Why would they come to our concert just to boo us?"
-what I say when I see these SNPP comments