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    I'm not used to not hearing the typical Sofia Vergara half-shout, so her character speaking so quietly was unusual. That said, this was a step up from last week and proof that later seasons can still inject some energy from previous seasons.

    Eat a dick.

    Thank you for noticing. However, I give much credit to the closed captioning service for recognizing the gem that is Hot Chip's "Boy from School" a few seasons back.

    Is some blind tiger jerking suds on the side?

    The screen capture where Kaitlin Olson's character is teaching the class offers an interesting visual. The boy sitting behind Milhouse and in front of the Asian kid, does he have stereotypical nerd buck teeth or is that the white on the Asian kid's laptop?

    Going to have to respectfully disagree. The later seasons of this show have a certain tiredness about them, and random gags/weird storylines just don't have that punch they once had. I do give credit to this show for evolving and satirizing the oversaturated computer/mobile app tech craze, but it just fell a tad flat,

    That's bad.

    Doesn't he also own the Denver Broncos?

    Would have been nice to see Tina and Amy take over the last half of WU, kind of like how Riblet has hijacked Che every now and then.

    I'm in L.A.; I don't have the (mis)fortune of watching this program live. Would have liked to have seen it, though.

    "…It'll be the last time. That I suck beer out of dirt with you."

    Oh, she just has that "eager to please" face about her, does she not?

    Could have done without the grandiose Springsteen/McCartney send off—a few minutes of Beck/Mooney weirdness would have sufficed—but a solid episode featuring two—and three with Maya—very funny and always game ladies. Oh, and Keenan's hilarious hack director needs to be a more frequently recurring character.

    "Perma-bitch" indeed; I wrote a comment on an earlier episode how she had yet to escape her Betty Draper persona.

    Solid way to finish the first half of an excellent season; this show is never at a loss in its twists and turns. Although Carol seemed conspicuously absent during the Phil 2.0 calamity, only if you count her comforting Melissa in the hospital.

    Yeah, I thought PCP and Leslie would be brutally murdered by Garrison, Jenner, Randy, Victoria, and Stan, and things would revert to normal in the town. Then again, South Park is hardly normal in its character and citizenry, so anything's possible.

    Yeah, I don't think Trey, Matt, and the rest of the staff were sitting around after the ninth episode this season going "Hmm, how are we going to end this?"

    We can only hope PC Principal will tone down his hyper-aggressive, progressive jackassery next season—as Caffrey mentions his finding middle ground—but nevertheless, looking forward to seeing a more moderate, yet still advancing South Park in future seasons.

    I think Todd would have a little self-respect and refuse Melissa's advances—and Phil 2.0 is not going anywhere. As for Sudeikis being blasted into space, it could very well be a "Dallas" dream sequence. In any event, looking forward to the fall finale.

    Oh, shit, I almost got a job in Massena a few years ago. Man, what a sorry place. Don't know how you feel, but everything just felt so isolated…even if you do have the cosmopolitan Cornwall, ON across the Fleuve Saint-Laurent.