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    This is all going to culminate with Cartman coming out—as this article hints—and the town ultimately expunging its uber-progressive phase.

    Didn't Barbrady have an unseen wife earlier in the series? During the "Cops" Parody in "Chickenlover"? He was literally South Park's only member of law enforcement until Yates showed up. Interesting evolution of him.

    Ironic how the "anti-racist" groups are usually the most racist and ugliest of all.

    Ha; love it. Like the previous installments, there are a lot of callbacks. The Countess' abortionist Dr. Montgomery was in Murder House, so there you go.

    Maybe he'll spend a lifetime harvesting kale.

    It would have been weird if the Countess' demon spawn didn't look like that. After all, what do you expect a fetus to look like after a three week gestation period and botched abortion attempt?

    I thought the show would have done away with the slutty Swedes after the second episode. In any event, still glad to see Liz get some more screen time, despite Tristan's unfortunate end.

    That's actually a stylistically better and funnier way of spelling it, rather than the more obvious version.

    CON: Sex with old people.

    I've been watching at the slowest pace; only seven episodes into the first season since August. Since the quality of the show has only improved, there's no doubt Netflix will bring it back for a fourth season—and maybe beyond.

    You keep seeing "Guest Starring Boris Kodjoe" during the credits, implying that his tenure on the show may be limited, despite what happened on tonight's episode. Then again, you never know.

    January Jones is no chore to look at, but could her character be any duller? It may just be Ms. Chartres' persona for the show, but it does absolutely nothing to highlight what acting talent, if any, January has.

    Don't rule anything out. Phil 2.0 could kill himself after proclaiming his love for Carol and getting nowhere, or he may run out on Erica after her pregnancy bombshell. He hasn't exactly shown much interest in the Ozzie. One thing, though; this show is never at a loss for twists and turns.

    In the words of Waylon Smithers, an "awed hush." But that may even be generous.

    What a sorry, sorry episode. I didn't want to believe that that amateurish first sketch with Ivanka would set the tone for the night, but it did. This could have been something special with a personality like Trump, but instead fell flat on its face.

    …it's got electrolytes.

    Kudos to the writer on this site who predicted this would be a "shitshow." Man, I really wanted to laugh tonight. I felt it was a tad insulting that Trump did the goodbyes; he was an absolute ghost.

    Sorry about the Leafs.

    You can't really compare Trump and David Duke. That'd be like comparing Obama on the left with British Labour leader of the opposition Jeremy Corbyn—the latter lends his support to genuine fascists throughout the Islamic world.

    Even Scarlett can sense how fucked up the situation with her parents is. Smart little girl.