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    Glad to see—of all people—Ken Hotate back. He made his lines count.

    For the record, I think Zeke should be the only character allowed to use the "J-Ju" nickname for Jimmy Pesto, Jr. I don't know if it was Louise or Gene who called Jimmy that, but that nickname is Zeke-specific.

    I think my avatar speaks for itself when picturing that.

    I'm sure a woman shitting on a man's face for 90 minutes would have gotten a better review.

    The tentacles of the Coppola family stretch quite far…

    I wouldn't watch any of these films for free, let alone pay $2 at a Redbox.

    WTF? I'd never heard of 15 of these films.

    Especially since one of the Twitter handles had Hankey's name in it. Very confusing episode…and PewDiePie is still fucking stupid.

    I didn't even know what a "PewDiePie" was until this episode. And yes, it's fucking stupid.

    Nah…too one-note. Where were Zapp and Kif? Or for that matter, Mom? Surely she could have found some use for the little Bart monster hybrids.

    I'm going to be honest…I watched that episode recently with him waiting for Fry outside of Panucci's and that was as close as I have come to crying in 12 years. Even more so than my own grandmother's death.

    Maybe it was just tonite due to the fact that the regular Simpsons characters outside of the immediate family didn't have many lines. For the most part, it was just the family and the Planet Express crew. Fry had relatively few lines with nary a peep from Hermes, Amy and Zoidberg (though Z made his line count).

    Love seeing all of the Futurama gang back again—including Scruffy sans mustache and head—and yes, the Simpsons can be as funny as ever when it wants to be. But something about season 26 just seems off. I can't put my finger on it.

    You're the man! Awkward, painful pause indeed. That's going to be removed shortly.

    That's definitely Rock's niche; make millions doing stand-up (with royalties from "Chris") and f*** everything else, aside from palling around with Sandler in his films.

    That Rock/Jones bickering spouse sketch was DOA. Sasheer's stilted performance clinched it. Prince was gold; everything else—the ISIS Shark Tank and even the considerate bank robbers—fell totally flat.

    Oh, if only they hadn't scared off Aubrey Plaza and Steve Buscemi…

    Probably couldn't afford to pay John Fogerty for the songwriting licensing fee (regarding why it's not shown on Hulu) I'm sure Tina would've agreed in a second if she had written it. I can't imagine her exactly rolling in the dough now in Switzerland.

    I got that, but still…it seemed like it had much better potential, even with subtext.

    Didn't understand the Vitamix sketch—that had potential with Sarah and Bayer but went nowhere. Could have—and should have—been a much better show. See if Bill Hader will be trapped with the mediocre writing next week.