
I hope she has an abortion and isn't a big drama queen about it. For me that's the most honest route.

Dawson's Creek, House, like every soap opera, Melrose Place, and a few Lifetime movies. The convenient miscarriage is applied when it won't work with the character to have a baby but they don't want to deal with the stigma of abortion.

One of my least favorite tropes is the one where a brave female character decides to get an abortion then miscarries the baby before her appointment so as not offend anti choice folks. Please don't let this happen, Girls!

It can and definitely does happen to boys, too. And part of me wonders about the cycle of sexual coercion. It happens with abuse victims when they become the abuser. Man our society is sick. Shit is depressing.

Bc from when we are girls on to when we become women we are put in these weird situations/sexual coersion scenarios where some dude in power (a teacher, a mentor, a rock star, whatever) exploits our adoration. ALL WOMEN. And it shapes how we respond to sexual advances. I know for me I've gone along with behaviors

Or - conversely - someone on the shit end of the stick might want to write something entirely separate from their experience.

I think they did leave it a little open-ended. He's majorly flawed, but not a total villain. As for what Lena Dunham's experience was vs. Hannah Hovarth's is - they are not the same person. I don't know if Lena woulda grabbed his junk but Hannah totally would.

There's a moment when they're in the kitchen and she's recounting the story of her teacher and she says "this stuff never goes away" and that is the absolute truth. Nearly all women have at least one (or many) experience like this and it shapes the way we deal with sexual situations FOREVER. It seems fitting to me

As all this was happening I couldn't help but consider the juxtaposition of this episode with the Patrick Wilson episode of years ago.

I don't know if Hannah being ready to move to Montauk after vacay sex makes her contentedly single.

Definitely. Except those Jamba Jeans bitches.

And I appreciate your perspective but that's crazy to me that this is what the cast hates the most too. Maybe I'm missing something. Maybe bc I'm 40 I've learned to let a lot of shit go, but Jessa and her frank, mischievous, smart and funny observations are what I relate to the most - approaching middle age I guess.

Hannah was pretty annoying on that rice pudding date - I might ve told her to eff off too. I still stand by that Jessa and Elijah are similar yet there's all this hate for Jessa when she operates purely in her id while when Elijah does it it's cute. So it still feels sexist to me.

Except Elijah fucked Marnie.

I thought he mouthed "I have blow"

Meh. I'm a jessa apologist I guess.

I think she schemes but I don't think she's manipulative. I see her the same as Elijah. Marnie and Hannah, on the other hand, have these precious crisis of consciousness moments that always ring false to me. That's manipulation.

Lol ya me too so I'm probably extra sensitive when I feel she is picked on :/

Bc she's the least apologetic about her asshole-ery. Marnie and Hannah always seem to me like if they just met the "right" guy they'd grow up and be good girls (ugh). Jessa always rejects these societal expectations which makes me like her more than either of them yet all of her so-called friends judge and dump on

Why are we do hard on Jessa? All the other main characters can act like assholes and there's always hope gor growth/redemption but not for her. It feels sexist.