Felicity: Angry woman with two swords… Are you getting major Isabel Rochev flashbacks right now?
Diggle: Yup
Felicity: You remember how we handled that, right?
Diggle: Yup
Diggle: *tries to run over angry woman*
Felicity: Angry woman with two swords… Are you getting major Isabel Rochev flashbacks right now?
Diggle: Yup
Felicity: You remember how we handled that, right?
Diggle: Yup
Diggle: *tries to run over angry woman*
Felicity: *holds huge ass gun* Freeze Jerkwad!
Oliver: *Turns around exasperated and offended*
Felicity: Sorry. I knew it was you, but what if it wasn't you-you, you know? Multiple earths, evil twins, etc…I hate this gun
Oliver: *Clutches his chest with his hand*
Like the HISHE youtube channel?! THat would be awesome haha
Point! I like thinking about Cisco/Felicity calling each other on weekends trying to build Gideon. I'd like a mini series on that please
If he becomes a genius with computers then IMO he is such a Barry Stu… LOL
I can't believe this dumbass, Barry Allen, is supposed to build Gideon at one point. And he hasn't even shown an affinity towards coding/computers at all.
Except Iris is just a better character than Laurel and actually has potential to be useful.
They're going to reverse her death in the next episode and HR will die in her place
They totally set up HR Wells to take the fall for Iris. He's definitely going to be the one to die.
I can't believe they made her death mostly about Barry…
I didn't like Season 1 Barry very much either.
LOL this too. It was such a huge mistake to dwell on this save Iris plot for 14 freaking episodes. There's NO way the writers could live up to the hype of it all. I ended up being so underwhelmed about everything
You know they'll reverse it. Thus making the entire "Save Iris" plot kind of… meh. They shouldn't have wasted more than half a season on this. There would be no way for there to be a satisfying ending to this
I really like Iris, and I know I was supposed to feel sad during that video and her death etc… But I just didn't and that's because the writers are terrible and I know that she isn't going to die in the end (Barry will fix this).
You want to join the support group?
Felicity saying "It was so epic" was quite possibly the cutest thing lol I actually love it when she fangirls a bit over stuff like that
Solid episode. It didn't 'wow' me - but solid. I thought it had great character moments which is what drove the episode for me. The plot was a bit meh (with a few great moments) and a few weird dialogues that didn't make sense… But overall yeah I think a B is fair.
don't worry he'll be back in season 6 lol
The thing is - is that this isn't a will they won't they sort of drama anymore. It's two people trying to figure out themselves before getting back together. I think it's incredibly mature of them.
I'm actually really hoping she continues to pursue mass marketing the chip next season!