
I used to be in the industry. That's how I know.

Susan was fired for plagiarism. She would've gotten fired for sleeping with her subject which in journalism is considered extremely unethical and would've gotten her a horrible reputation. This has nothing to do with her sleeping with OLIVER, specifically. It has everything to do with her sleeping with her subject

I mean the only way to silence her fully would be for Thea to kill her…. Oh well.

umm. I'm pretty sure Susan's meant to be younger than Oliver?

What's the saying? Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Why would Thea, with all her history with Susan believe that she wouldn't run the story especially when she went through all the trouble to dig into Oliver's secrets?

Susan is in her right to REPORT it to the police. NOT WRITE ABOUT IT. If she was actually worried about the killings she would've told the police about her suspicions and worked with them to uncover it. She showed no signs of this, all she showed was signs to get an article published.

I don't see Susan Williams as evil.

Go to the police? Sure she can do that. Write a story? She lost that right the second she slept with oliver. If she truly wanted to get this story out and protect her job she would've given the story to someone else.

So… Killing a guy is allowed only if he's bad?

She was going to go public with it. She said it herself when she upsetedly told oliver how she can't go public with what she uncovered anymore. That shows full intent.

To be fair I did say a lot more stupid haha. That compounded with the stupidity he had in earlier seasons it's almost alarming

I'm popping some champagne for his impeachment hearing lol

She wasn't talking about Malone. She was talking about the guy in the 1st episode whose neck Oliver snapped just because he found out about Oliver's identity.

Should Thea destroy every journalist who looks into Oliver's past? Probably not. But I fail to have any sympathy for a journalist was unprofessional like Susan was.

She wasn't asking Oliver on a professional level. She was asking him in a personal setting while accumulating a lot of info about Oliver in order to expose him. That IMO is extremely gross. There's a reason why it's unethical for journalists to sleep with their subjects. It's simply gross and manipulative.

I'm even unsure she has sincere feelings for Oliver… If she did she would've come clean at some point in the last 2 weeks. Even then, she still flat out said that she would've run the story after all of it was said and done.

Also regarding the whole Oliver's trust/loyalty to Susan… It bothered me he didn't react to Susan, a she-demon he opened up to who was basically digging up his secrets for the whole world to see.

I don't know why you had to bring Fox News into all of this :)

I'm pretty sure the writers want to show that Oliver is more trusting and hopeful in general now as some sort of character development. However, they overcorrected and made him incredibly naive to the point of stupidity

Ummm. Susan did do something wrong. She was sleeping with Oliver while still investigating him. That's total unethical behavior in journalism.