Go full Tarantino.
Right. But that's the big key: I was waiting for Rick to make some big bullshit speech about how therapy is a joke and she's super wrong blah blah blah…but he doesn't do that. Neither does Beth.
I absolutely loved that they just kind of let the therapist's speech sit and never really tried to deconstruct it or seriously undercut it aside from a couple of brief gags. She's right, and the show isn't going to pretend otherwise. That's fantastic!
You shut your mouth. Flynn was awesome.
Late to the party, but someone liked a comment of mine today, so…
Note too what he does in "Breaking Bad": Chuck tells him his decisions will always hurt the people he cares about…so he simply cuts anybody he actually cares about out of his life, with the exception of Francesca, who has apparently long ago accepted Jimmy/Saul's shittiness.
Jesse isn't an idiot, he's a depressed addict.
And the only way it makes sense for Walt to steal the ricin cigarette is if Walt also poisoned the kid. Otherwise it's completely pointless. So even if Jesse doesn't necessarily know why he did it it's not that hard to connect the dots and realize that if Walt stole the ricin cigarette he also poisoned Brock.
I am currently going through the show for the first time on Netflix, and feel like I can explain this.
It's okay to just say that you disagree and why.
I was sad to see Francesca leave (also, I noted she didn't hug Jimmy), but at least we know she won't be gone too long!
It seems like Jimmy told her AFTER telegraphing his intentions to fix things. I doubt Jimmy would have been so honest before that.
I mean, in this world if the worst you can come up with is "Really condescensing" you're doing pretty damn great. Comparatively Howard is a Saint second only in the hierarchy to Kim.
A shitty person who's also immensely likable?
Once again, I feel like this show would be even better if I didn't know where Jimmy ended up. The twists and yurns are interesting, but every time we see Saul turn a little bit back towards Jimmy, i'm always just thinking "Oh, I guess not yet huh?".
I'd live with Odenkirk and McKean.
See, that was it. I wanted to feel bad for him, but then I thought of what he said to Jimmy and it was back to "Fuck you, you prick."
If you listen hard enough, you could just hear that elastic stretch.