
Actually, it's a hell of a piece of continuity for them to remember that and make Nacho a regular character.

Past, but pretty clearly recent past. And he did name drop him.

Oh man, the hole-digging thing. WHO. CARES.

In the episode "Better Call Saul" Saul is crying in the desert "It wasn't me! It was Ignacio!". Which doesn't necessarily mean Nacho is around but does indicate that he lasted until almost just before Walter shows up.

Why do you think Nacho is guaranteed to die? He gets name-dropped by Saul in "Breaking Bad", which doesn't necessarily mean he survived but does indicate that he hasn't totally dropped off the face of the earth.

Yep. It was another excellent example of the show giving us a hero to root for with legitimate points to make and a villain who isn't necessarily "wrong" in any particular aspect but isn't "right" either.

Note how the show is currently subtly maneuvering Jimmy and Chuck back into the positions we saw them at in the pilot. Jimmy is slipping Jimmy the con man again, and Chuck's illness, and the spiteful stab directed at him by Jimmy, have given him a large amount of sympathy and pathos that Jimmy is quickly losing.

This season should be remembered for long, methodical, and nearly wordless stretches where tension rises to a fever pitch through pure cinematics.

Pfffffft, you just don't understand true love when you see it.

Not really. Archer in a noir world is just a fun genre shift. The whole dream thing -as you yourself pointed out - was just a fig leaf.

Well, Vice will always be my jam, but this was damn good.

I am glad. Archer is not a show that should spend time up its own ass if it could help it.

This episode started to lean a lot closer to the fourth wall by the ending, so it makes some sense if you squint.

We are getting dangerously close to fighting words.

I'm genuinely shocked at how much hate this season is getting. I freaking loved it. This last episode wasn't the best of the season, but it was still pretty damn good.

The ending was very true to the noir spirit.

Archer as a Shane type could work pretty well. I'd dig it.

Cecil and Trinette have a beautiful thing now.

Of course Poovey is the MVP. Every incarnation of Pam is always the MVP.

I dunnno, I feel like Will's complaint could be flipped around way too easily: "They tried to make Lana's death feel tragic, but it didn't work, because we know none of it's real".