
I love that Francesca's idea of "folksy" is "talk like the folks from 'Fargo'".

I didn't watch Breaking Bad regularly, so I was pretty baffled at that one.

Yeah, but it isn't the biggest emotional impact of the episode, or the biggest shock.

You're right. Howard adjusting his suit is great.

Okay guys. How on God's green earth is Jimmy getting out of this one?

Give the man a chance to act. He's had the same facial expression the entire season.

I'm sorry, I'm going to say it. I'm going to utter blasphemy. Please forgive me.

BTW, that dragon had to be a Spirited Away reference.

How on EARTH was this only a B+?

And? Air force guy also wasn't the one who broke in.

That is…

I don't think we're giving the show enough credit for how well it's parodying those noir beats specifically. Everything from Cheryl's cryptic advice that not everybody would know he wasn't in his office (at night…when he wasn't working…) to Archer bringing it up to Malory to Archer and Cheryl's snappy banter slowly

"Bob's Burgers"

Also, the whole thing with Charlotte trying to make a case that not everybody would know Archer wouldn't be in his office (you know…at night…when he's not working) was an absolutely pitch-perfect noir parody. That final little coda on that bit with Malory at the end was a thing of beauty.

I mean, I rewatched the previous week's episode after this one ended, and it just keeps improving. There's so much going on in this dialogue that if you blink you'll miss it.

Also, will have to disagree with you here. The best line of the episode was clearly Charlotte cheerfully yelling "Hey! Me and him just fucked!"

Archer has always had good dialogue but this Dreamlands dialogue is seriously outstanding.

Well, they really didn't hinder him, though.

Well, that's the thing though. The guy DIDN'T want to crucify him. He stated directly that he'd let it lie if Jimmy just stopped airing the illegal footage.

I thought the Mike stuff dragged sometimes, but everything with Chuck and Jimmy was fantastic.