That's been my impression.
That's been my impression.
Kid playing Sunny is kicking ass, though.
I don't think there is a gag. Julio Sham is just a preposterous name
Ha, I'm not taking it personally (though I do still disagree). I do, however, see little point in continuing anyway, so I'll drop it for that reason.
(Just going to throw out that when I showed the show to someone else they told me they were really disappointed the Incredibly Deadly Viper wasn't the Viper of Ferocious Danger, and honestly now I'm kind of mad at Handler.)
Nifty VFD reference at the end. A Very Fitting Description of Warburton's performance.
Wait, but I'm not doing what you're claiming at all. I'm not defending the repitiveness beyond shrugging and saying "I can see why this would bother you, but I'm still really enjoying myself". That's not a defense. Maybe I'll go as far as to say "I thought it was so funny I barely even noticed the formula", but I…
Weird. I always had Lemony younger than Kit in my head.
Well, who is actually defending it with that argument? I've been one of the big pushers of the "it improves" line of thought, and my only point is that if you're entertained but starting to get a bit bored it's worth sticking it out. I don't see anyone else claiming otherwise.
Incidentally, I'm psyched at season 2 ending on "The Carnivorous Carnival". That's probably the best cliffhanger in the series and to end a season on that note will be - in a good way - excruciating.
Yeah. Eventually Handler lost the plot (and even then he was able to pull off a few tricks just based around that - the only way "The Penultimate Peril" could possibly work just in the concept stage is with a plot as ludicrous and convoluted as Handler's), but he had a terrific run where he kept building steam until…
I don't know if crucial is quite right, since I quite liked the episode, but it made a difference.
This is a version of "every person or government I dislike/am afraid of is somehow reflected in [insert villain here]".
I've been saying this consistently throughout, and I'll repeat it now: I think the kids have been steadily improving since "The Reptile Room", and by the time the season ends they're doing a fine job.
The one thing about the movie I really thought was a clear improvement was when the Baudelaires realize everything Josephine is afraid of actually happens during the hurricane. It's too bad the show doesn't run with that, because I thought it was super clever.
The Carnivorous Carnival does stand as a favirite of mine though. The absurd carnival freaks never fail to make me laugh.
Handle created the character literally two decades ago.
I totally agree. The show steadily improves, culminating in the outstanding "Miserable Mill" episodes.