
Lol when Annalise said Wes was "The One" I automatically envisioned him in a trench coat and sunglasses dodging bullets in slow motion.

I think Annalise knows that Wes is the only one of the Keating Five who can't be manipulated. He wants to be a lawyer for the sake of fighting for the underserved, and that's not something you can easily bribe. Michaela wants the prestige, Asher wants to impress his father, Conner wants the glory, and Laurel..well, I

NO! There will be no Dean Thomas slander in a 500 mile radius!

Okay, I am confused by the court case verdict. I thought it was concluded that Tanya accidentally killed the husband? So was it the wife?

Caleb and Catherine are definitely giving me a creepy 'Flowers in the Attic' vibe. Blech.

I do think Bonnie is in love with Annalise. I think Bonnie also is the one who shoots Annalise.

Yes he definitely lost points when he started dating Rebecca. But I get the sense that he likes broken and battered women, since it must remind him of his mother.

The only reason I initially thought that Wes couldn't be Annalise's long lost son is because I thought Annalise said something about not being able to have children in the first season? Maybe she just meant that she couldn't have children with her ex husband because there was something wrong with him?

I feel like much of the Joan hatred that I see in the comment section is just pure jealousy and judgment stemming from how she got her partnership.

Or the golden retriever that Don bought Sally!

Leonard had the best soliloquy of the entire season. He fucking OWNED that scene. I have never seen Don hug anybody like that. Shit, I wanted to give Leonard a hug myself. Don't worry Leonard, I see you! If you were a jar of mayonnaise in my fridge, I would pick you any day. (Even though I hate mayonnaise.)

I don't know if anyone here watched Legend of Korra, but Kiernan Shipka (actress who plays Sally) did the voice of Jinora, and she was equally awesome on there. Robert Morse also did a voice cameo on that show as well. Considering it's taken me nearly 6 months to finally accept that LoK ended, I imagine that I'll be

Sorry for your loss :(

I see people saying that Betty doesn't want her children to watch her die, so I'm curious: how is Betty's cancer is going to progress without treatment? Is she just going to one day fall ill and pass away quietly? I'm just curious as to how a year with no treatment vs a year with treatment will differ, because it


This is random, but what ever happened to that golden retriever Don bought for the kids back in season 1?

I was really surprised that Joan didn't stand up for herself against those McCann jerks. It's not like she's a secretary anymore. She's a partner. I know it's a different time period, but I was surprised that she didn't at least give them at least one witty comeback. And ugh, I was really hoping that her and Peggy

Part of me does kind of wonder if the whole Korrasami thing would have gotten more pushback had Nick kept this show on the air and given it the rightful attention it deserved. To me it kind of seemed like Bryke was like, "well, they're putting us on an ice float, so might as well do what we want." It low-key felt like

Sorry but now that Kuvira's got the elder wand, I'm afraid Korra really doesn't stand a chance…