
How? Because he went out during the night a couple of times? As of yet we don't know if he's a traiter to Phil & Elizabeth! I don't really like this character either but he doesn't deserve to have his head blown off just yet!!!

Anythings better than ABC's Grey's Anatomy/Scandal Thursdays!!

That is a perfect description of "early seasons Elizabeth "!!!

Thanks! I like the show, just wasn't sure if there was some underlying message that I didn't picked up on not watching the previous seasons.

The latest theory is that Ennis is not Thaddeus?

Then that would just emphasize the futility of this episode? Sorry this is my first season of Fargo am I missing something?

One of my favorite moments of this episode. It was a perfect illustration of life in a small town!

Season 3 of The Walking Dead did suck though!!

The actor that played him is 25 yrs old!!

True, but he was great in Ruthless People.

Really??? She seem as cold-blooded and heartless to me!

I never got the impression that Oleg's dad hates him?

Phillip possibly but Elizabeth…

It's a little premature for the seasonal casuality count!

It would be great to have a Mischa update considering they devoted a storyline to him this season.

I agree, the scene with Martha and Gabriel felt unnecessary.

Really sweet? She was holding a gun to his head ready to blow him away "Elizabeth style" less than 24 hrs later!

i need my weekly fix of justin theroux

Kimara is a perfect example of someone forced to accept this futility.

This is not a show to get "all technical " about!