
I realize Starship is just a (mostly deserved) joke in most people's minds, but don't let the attribution to "Jefferson Starship" fool you - Blows Against The Empire is a fucking awesome album. If you like rock music from the era at all, it's worth your time to investigate.

"Let me know…if you see…a Radio Shack."

Overdue but worth saying - you're right, I put that terribly. In my partial defense, I meant to say that his acting career went supernova just as he seemed to be on track to break out as a stand-up (Comedians of Comedy, Purple Onion, and big festival gigs in rapid succession). Not that it's clear at all from how I

As resonant as Nixonland was years ago, I find myself thinking about it more and more often lately. Depressing, but to Perlstein's credit.

Not a Galifianatic?

Yeah, despite frequently defending it, I'm still a little conflicted. I think I come down a bit more on the positive side, but your point about intentionality is always one to consider. Frankly I think my taste just aligns more with his objectives here than most people's, which probably says something troubling

I suspect at least part of it is the acclimation to a particular filmmaking trajectory lately. Namely, arthouse and/or underground filmmaker makes progressively bigger and more accessible works to growing acclaim. Drive - in addition to being (rightly) beloved for its own sake - was pointing up a capacity for an

Oh, c'mon, AVC. Are we not upvoting perfectly-placed Pixies references anymore?

Ronson really was remarkable. He could chart a melodic course through a solo while building tension and intrigue like few other rock guitarists. Plus his tone always sounded PERFECT. I'm comfortable saying early-mid Bowie would have been great without him, but definitely not as great.

Yeah. As much as we all (understandably) just want to talk about Bowie, major props are due Zaleski for a really nice piece and set of interviews on an underappreciated Bowie album. This set of personnel coming together is huge for what followed.

Damn, yeah, I need to see that one. Shamefully, I've only seen Tokyo Drifter, Branded To Kill, and Pistol Opera.

You've said a lot of smart, well-considered things about Tarantino in this thread/sub-threads, but I do have to object a little to "improve upon them drastically" as a blanket statement for those four categories. (And I'm a big QT fan.)

I guess my biggest objection to that approach is that you would miss out on Seijun Suzuki, which would be doing yourself a huge disservice. No one should miss out on Tokyo Drifter (to single one film out).

Right on. I think Deadwood deserves a bit more praise than it gets for its visuals, but I by no means think ultra-fidelity is critical to the show. So much of its greatness is in the dialogue, on the page and as performed.

I highly recommend that you do. Not only is it one of the best shows I've ever seen (as a fairly comprehensive viewer of US television), but it looks fantastic if you have the means/opportunity to get your hands on the Blu-ray discs or HD versions.

They're certainly Losing Their Edge.

Slightly mixed feelings about the film's content aside, it's an excellent experience. Just to see that batshit 2.76:1 aspect ratio in person (and the way Tarantino/Richardson employ that to their advantage in their framing) is remarkable.

Upvoted specifically for the Girlhood praise. I realize a ton of great stuff has come out this year, but that one deserves some attention. Best score of the year, too. Now if I could just get anyone I know to investigate it.

I just watched it last night. Excellent.

Thanks for reaching out to them. I absolutely will go to a screening if it makes it to DC (not that one ticket purchase changes the economics of bringing a print to us, I realize).