Uncle Deadly

On today's AV Club, a white man corrects a woman's feminism.

Power Rangers have always sucked. And they always will.

Forms are dumb.

"Don’t treat the first contestant of color differently!"

Yeah, my wife and I think Jimmy Kimmel's wife both called Vanessa like week 2. She was the favorite for sure.

I did when there were two Xanders and Anya wanted to have sex with both of them.

I don't think a single Oasis song is 3 minutes long.

Shun. Which she should be.

It makes her feel better and that's about it

Right b/c "doing something" is better than "doing nothing", ie, "we have to pick a side" in pop music politics.

Honestly, for trying to rhyme "song" with "distortion"….I would be okay with Trump deporting her.

College freshman level politics. Joy.

Well, yeah, in my opinion. That shouldn't need to be spelled out when it's obviously subjective.

It's a big galaxy.

Old Mandos (Traviss Mandos) were the worst.

Huge fan of Norton. His is my favorite talk show

It won't stop. Events will move forward, but the date will remain 2016

2016 will probably eat 2017 and it will remain 2016 forever.

No, he let them have a go, saw what they were doing and distanced himself from it by taking his name off the credits.

Jeremy spoke in class THAT day