Uncle Deadly

It's the worst title.

I don't recall Hopkins and Phoenix demanding to be paid for campaigning.
Oh and she is black. That, too.

"she was shut out of coveted post-Precious: Based on the novel Push by Sapphire roles not as a result of winning the award, but because she did so despite flouting the highly political campaign process."


If you don't know, then I envy you.

I need a list of these websites so I can visit every day.

Martin often cites Ivanhoe as an influence on him, so this is obviously a coincidence.

"Why this song? People thought Annie Lennox was great at the Grammys a couple of weekends ago."

"Is it problematic to turn Olivia’s fate into a game of capture the flag?"

What up with that?


Having seen said scene, it was awesome.

It was clearly a parody of the James Bond motif. Wring them hands some more, please.

Fuck people for not watching them.

no, I know, but I didn't see ANYONE give a fuck about this one, haha.

"This is the same explanation often given for the outrage over something like the Sam Smith/Tom Petty controversy."
There was outrage?

Clyde from Ms. Pac-Man would like to have a word with both of you.

"It’s even more offensive that the power she does have lies solely in her value to a powerful white man. That’s gross. Fitz sends kids to die to save his mistress, which is mostly discussed in terms of its potential political ramifications. That’s gross. She gets sold to Iran for whatever reason. All of this is just


Just in time for Valentine's Day.