Uncle Deadly

No, I do. But if Nicki Minaj chose to have do a song with Chris Brown…how much more independent can you get?


There needs to be a new section called, "You're Fucking Dumb, Internet"
or even better: "Your Fucking Dumb, Internet"

Why is that lesbian breaking into that house and seducing that girl?

The road goes ever on and on…

He wasn't The Joker until now.

"I think I’m starting to ship Trip and Simmons (that shirtless scene had all kinds of sexual tension). They shall henceforth be known as Trimmons."

Now when I watch Fight Club I can picture The Hulk smashing The Joker's face while Benjamin Button looks on.

Longoria should stay on this show forever.

" Manhattan Love Story’s dueling voiceovers from both male and female perspectives debased both genders"
Or just the characters. Not everyone on TV is meant to represent an entire race, gender or lifestyle.

No, I know. Just making a humorous point.

It's also clear he is better at everything than everyone else though.

long-time, first-time here. Few suggestions:

Also, Peter has shown humanity countless times, not just a few moments.

"Not a fan of the Natalie Holloway aside: Some things shouldn’t even be joked about, Mindy Project."

Ah, I see

Nothing you said has to do with anything I said.

Um…remember how attacking the convoy was a diversion to get all the Marines out of the Embassy?
Come on. That's basic. DUH.


Do you even pay attention to this show?