Bingo Little

There are actual Amazon tribes that nobody knew about until well into the twentieth century. And people thought the ceolocanth was extinct. So there's a lot of stuff underwater that we don't know about.

Yep. All the passengers on the invisible plane were visible too.

And nerds have the gall to say Marvel has dull villains!

Didn't the "obnoxious bitter fired writer" actually become a subplot on Larry Sanders? Shandling was very self aware.

Who doesn't enjoy a good cringe? Ricky Gervais has built his career on it.

Nonsense. A Republican would never be that rude to a billionaire industrialist. (Unless they were competing with each other for the Rep. Presidential nomination.)

What's George St. Pierre up to these days? Maybe Batroc the Leaper can be a recurring nemesis on Marvel' Most Wanted?

Buckled quickly under pressure though. It's hard to take seriously as a leader a guy who was intimidated out of a presidential run by Rick Perry and Michelle Bachman.

Problem is that any candidate from any party is going to land somewhere on that scale.

You're not a true believer in anything?

Morally obstinate? Socially awkward except on social media? Attempts to forge connections via Simpsons quotes?

He only shifts his accent to preserve his secret identity and hypnotize his television audience. The glasses are fake too. (Really!…nobody recognizes Oliver without them!)

Tintin would never have stood for this shit back in Belgium's colonial imperialist heyday.

Have the credits always run for ten minutes straight on this series? I never noticed it before, but I was expecting names to keep popping up at the bottom of the screen for the entire episode.

Or he was forced to move to Omaha shortly before Breaking Bad began. Future, black and white Nacho might be employed at Orange Julius, or Bath and Body Works.

Even Black cracks in the end.

Slitherin sounds sexier though.

That tailor looked several decades off of being a holocaust survivor.

Or the mole could turn out to the assassin. The problem with blackmail is that it actually gives your victim something to hold over your head. He now knows that There is mistrust between Watson and Morland, and could theoretically use it to screw both of them.

But that novel is all Watson.