TJ Lazer

It's really bizarre to listen to old episodes of Loveline or watch Singled Out and listen to him. There is no "nerd" persona or anything like that, because that was literally uncool and completely fucking lame back then and was no way to make a career.

Irony is really tough because it undermines my outrage!!!!


Sinead was absolutely part of the alternative movement. It wasn't all grunge.

Where do you live? Were they actually playing indie/alternative on FM? And I don't mean Smashing Pumpkins and Pearl Jam, I mean, like, Sonic Youth and shit. AM was where college radio and independent radio lived in most of the country.

This….. Sounds really fuckin' cool.

Well said. I think it's also important to note that this is, in large part, also thanks to Steam's new refund system. Because now, instead of being totally hosed, PC players have the ability to straight up take their money back. Thanks Valve!

Exactly, not only did the premier have a poor conclusion, but overall the episode was just dopey. The part where she details watching the movie she rented for clues was so annoying! Anyway, yeah, Belt Buckle, so damn good, especially since I come from a traditional European apprenticeship program and the most

Just to clarify, i'm not trying to whine. I'm just surprised because by far the strongest episodes have been the most recent ones. Thanks for the feature either way, always love it!

Surprised that there has been so little Mystery Show coverage on this feature lately, especially since I've personally taken a complete 180 and now LOVE the show. Belt Buckle and Source Code were the strongest episodes they have done yet, with Source Code being hilarious, and Belt Buckle reducing me to near tears. The

mid or i feed

It was great to sign up for these as a kid, since you basically had no credit record and weren't a real person. thanks for the Alice in Chains CDs, Columbia House!

Can we at least agree that Dracula's Bedroom was an irredeemable mess? I understand the nature of improv and these things happen and it's kind of part of the comedy, but man, hitching up for over an hour on an episode like that waiting for a couple great improv moments that never pay off, it can be rough.


I sincerely enjoy reading everything he writes and listening to him be mad. He is thoroughly entertaining.

I was surprised by how great the Beastcast has been. Vinny does a great job of picking up the pieces everytime Alex goes into butthole mode and, yes, Austin is a nice addition.

I need to get back into it. The first 3 eps were pretty good, but Savannah, Georgia, Mars Base 3, and Dracula's Bedroom were all so junky I haven't gone back.

I literally laughed out loud during a particularly bad cut, when it is obviously late at night and Trant and his men go into the brothel, while in the background, down the stairs, the ol' clam cart comes cartin' in. come on.


I think the title is a little tongue in cheek.