TJ Lazer

There's not even "controversy" here. It's just an article that has gotten millions of links because it's fucking dumb.

Okay but I really, seriously, actually do love Nacho Libre.

I feel like it works though because Max is written as crazier and more mad than ever this go round.

Cy, yes!!!! During the film the score blew me away at that point. Have been listening to it throughout the day since.

How would you describe this day?

That's a good point too. Of that era, i'd just like to take this moment to say that Hercules has very underrated animation.

my b

Oberyn's final scene was at least intentional anti-climax, a moment to both surprise and demonstrate The Mountain's strength contrasted with Oberyn's hubris. This was just a big pile of crap that we were supposed to be impressed with.

Kinetic is the absolute last word I would use to describe that scene. Easily the most poorly constructed fight scene in the series.


I understood the recycling in the early days, but could never grasp how the huge budget Beauty and the Beast dipped back to that Cinderella dancing sequence.

Also, I love this album just because, as a wrestling fan who also enjoys things like good music, it's really great that I got an album about wrestling from a great band.

Thanks Hulk.

The album is so brilliant at finding that sweet spot, a sweet spot those of us who watch wrestling are always waiting for, that moment that comes once a year where catharsis, performance, reality, and plot all come together in a way that is only possible in pro wrestling. Heel Turn 2 is the best moment on the album.

XII is the best Final Fantasy.

I was very excited for the show, and I watched the entire first season. By the end, it was so frustrating I quit. There were so many good jokes, but everything around it was just a mess, it was tonally disastrous, and felt directionless. Too bad because it could have been great. I've of course read it got better, but

If you want to get to Much loved character from canc, you'll have to get through me first!!!!

Never forget

Yes! Also, i'm fairly certain when MGS5 uses "Here's to You" during the credits everyone will cry and realize that it's the last big game of our generation.