TJ Lazer

Best Smashing Pumpkins Song- GO!

I just can't believe this comment happened.

What is going on here??????

It seems that this awful habit of viewing all art through the lens of modern social standards is inescapable. The AV Club used to be pretty free of this, but I feel like at least one article I review every day has a social qualm at the center of it.

That Spin Google search is great. "Is (newfangled musical genre) the next big thing? P.88"

I just wish SOMEBODY besides Apple made a high capacity MP3 player. Now not even Apple does.

Bring back Kid Nation

Woah this guy takes no prisoners!!!

Also loved Together. wouldn't put it above Twin Cinema though. All that said this album is very very good.

As someone who ditched this show halfway through the first season, this sentence out of context is hilarious
"she did it by refusing to use her light ball and lose her fairy nature."