Paul L

And another thing: Adilyn's hands were able to move in those handcuffs and she was stressed / terrified, so why wasn't she firing off light blasts at Violet? She's done it before when frightened.

And what the fuck happened to Lafayette and James?

A character needs to earn redemption for it to work as part of the narrative. Lettie-Mae's 'redemption' has not been earned. Instead, the writers have shoehorned in some lazy retconned plot at the last minute in an attempt to make her anything other than a complete waste of time. It hasn't worked: she's still a

This show left a lot behind in the second episode of season one, including its dignity.

Plot twist: he fell into Termina three days before the Carnival of Time.

You know UtD is bad when it makes you long for Helix.

I just don't get it. They've known each other two weeks and yet they're already acting like they're soul-mates. Cardboard Boy and The Potato do it; so do Grace Adler and Barbie. Two weeks. And Sam acts as though he's been under the dome for 50 years with all that pouting and snarling and clearly signposted

Does anyone on this show have chemistry with anyone / anything else? The only magnetic personality in Chester's Mill is the dome.


Oh, sweet Jesus. Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse, a HIGH SCHOOL science teacher turns into a Nazi-esque eugenicist with a container of infected pig blood, trying to unleash some sort of swine-al solution. And how the hell has she "been testing the pig for weeks" when the narration tells us it's only

This episode had a few good bits, but it felt like an incoherent mess - almost like a clip show with a loose narrative and a load of random scenes stuffed into it. The Lafayette and James sex scene was awful. (And I'm gay before people call me a homophobe.) The Arlene scene was good, so was the one between Jessica and

Even knowing what happens can't prepare you for how it makes you feel. It's intense, fun and (for the most part) brilliantly done. Watch it.

Agreed. It broke my heart because it was delivered in such a subtle, dark way. Everyone in the cast did a superb job of nailing their scenes in the finale. I think it's one of the tightest and most brilliant episodes the show has ever done.

A C+ for this garbage? It takes some doing, but this managed to be the worst episode yet. Characters happily spit out idiotic lines like "BY MY CALCULATIONS…" without any sense of irony despite having no qualifications and no calculations to stand on. And the threats of the week stories are no so tired that they're

The True Blood time jump changed nothing. The same stupid characters are doing the same stupid things they've always done, but now some of them have fancy new jobs. Bon Temps is still the same narratively stagnant s***-hole it always has been.

I wish we could post pictures in here. This scene made me laugh so hard.

We can all take comfort in the fact that the comments on here are always more interesting and consistent than the show could ever be.

BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT THE DOME WANTS, bro. Dooooooooooooooooome. And magnets. Because Dome and magnets.

It sounds like a euphemism to me.

I'll stick it out until the end just for some closure, but I'm watching it now with complete detachment from what's happening. The Eric-Jason sex scene and the Eric reveal of last week left me cold.