I can't be the only one asking this. Why are Boyle and Lt. Singh going to so many funerals? Do all the other precincts also have TV shows in which they kill off an SNL alumnus in the first episode?
I can't be the only one asking this. Why are Boyle and Lt. Singh going to so many funerals? Do all the other precincts also have TV shows in which they kill off an SNL alumnus in the first episode?
She doesnt knows when she was bitten. The break out happened some time the night before, it could have been 9 pm, o r it could have been 1 am. But considering how much the sun was out, it was at least 9 am the next day. So she could have been bitten up to 12 hours ago.
You probably Fear the Walking Dead.
I think they originally got caught at home by the military when they were trying to leave because Madison decided to return to warn her neighbor. They made the opposite decision this time.
I think the the fact that the zombie apocalypse is basically a combination of a health scare and an active threat makes it a different type of catastrophe altogether.
I think it's because she doesn't have a counter part to play off. She's sort of in her own age group, so the writers had a hard time giving her any scenes where she's really talking to anyone other than her parents.
I thought they got their plan from Dr. Sandrine Holt.
One of the recurring themes of this show is that parents want to shield their kids away from the world that they live in. Whether that's right or wrong, that's a perfectly human response. Liza wanted to shield her son from seeing her get shot. Or even having that thought cross her mind.
Also she was the one that first led him into that situation in the first place. He trusted her and she abused that trust.
So the title, the Good Man. Who does that refer to?
Chris would have tried to stop it. Liza wanted to say goodbye to him in a way where his last memory of her is positive.
The good man doesnt survive in the world of the Walking Dead. Only the people with the will to act can do what's necessary to protect the ones they love.
It seemed by the morning that all the zombies were killed in the outside.
There's no guarantee to how those people would have acted. It's easier to control smaller groups.
But then watching that might make me die of a heart attack.
But that means you have to watch Kristen Wiig die of a heart attack.
It was really sad to see Bryce get run over. In continuation of my post last week, I think it's also good to give identities to sturdy inanimate objects in the case of massive depression during the apocalypse, in addition to not giving identities to living things, as we learned last week.
They called him Gordon in the episode, but maybe that's Deangelo's middle name.
2. This should be a gimmick on Fox. Killing off SNL alumni.
I've got to hand it to the writers team (and Coulson apparently), this was good pilot episode. I like the Daisy (weird calling her that) and Mac dynamic. It's also good that Bobbi is still showing the effects of that attack from Ward, just as they had Fitz need to readjust last season. Fitz is not only cool, but also…