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    Confusing you was all part of my plan.

    Are you referring to their reaction to us invading them? Completely different situation due to completely socioeconomic and political circumstances in those countries. Besides, it took awhile for the citizens to react. Time for groups to organize, and even that didnt include everyone. They didn't just run out and

    I think they dealt with Jake and Amy thing very well and completely in character. It's a bit sad though that Amy has no one else to talk about her relationship problems besides Jake. Shouldn't she have spoken with her best friend Scully? But that was nice. It's almost like they literally skipped through a season of

    I'm talking the magnitude being incomparable. They are still actively dealing with the zombie threat anyways, so it's not like it's completely under control. I'm also referring to comparison you have made in your other posts.

    I'm arguing against particular points you are making that I disagree with. Have I even mentioned the writers or the intelligence of the show?

    Exactly at what point was the show billed as such? That's what you wanted to see, but all the press has indicated the opposite.

    First of all, I was referring to the fact that your whole entire 9/11 comparison was off. The zombie apocalypse is a continuous attack on society. 9/11 attack (the attack itself) is an isolated incident.

    But to be clear, you are frustrated about something you think that might be happening. Rather than what's actually presented on the show. For the most part, this entire episode takes place in doors, aside from those to crazy teens and Ophelia confronting the military.

    Torturing some guy because his wife is severely injured and was taken from him. I don't see the 9/11 comparison you keep making. This disaster in a whole other level. It's like a 9/11 happening every day for weeks, continuously. And grabbing a beat cop is completely unrelated. Grabbing a soldier for info actually

    From what I can tell, they just didnt show the rest of neighborhood's reaction.

    So I'm confused. You want everyone to be extra special nice to each other, everyone holds their family tight for weeks and months afterwards, they cry a lot for the lost, and also tend to have a lot of sex?

    And would you look at that? Aren't all the adults trying to find a way to deal with the military? Maddy is at first heart broken, but wants to do something. Daniel goes straight into badass mode, completing distrusting the authority. Ophelia helps out her dad. Then Maddy gets on board with Daniel's strategy. And the

    And again, that's not the criticism I am referring to. I believe that criticism is fair, even if I don't agree with it.

    Well that's fine, but the ones that are saying they do'nt like the show because of its quality isn't who my comment is addressing.

    I had a feeling from the descriptions that the military presented here are mainly reserve types, but I could be wrong.

    Well you're not being rude if that helps.

    He's an immigrant from El Savador, so he's probably referring Salvadoran Civil War. After he went through that, he came to America with his family.

    People need to realize due to fact that we've seen the other show, we know much more than the characters know about how to deal with the Zombie apocalypse. When Rick wakes up, like six months have passed. All the adult characters are familiar with the reality of surviving the zombie apocalypse.

    I think the doctors are disconnected from the military. So their goals are different so long as they don't intercept, in which case the military has authority. There are also most definitely completely still working by their Hippocratic oath.

    He seems like the type of guy who questions authority. And also probably was in the wrong place at the wrong time. He's dressed real nice, so I'm guessing he wasnt at home. Add that to the fact he's black, and it's easy to see why the authority nabbed him to me.