Jeff D.

From what I've read here and there over the years, Griffith doesn't seem exceptionally racist for a white guy born in Kentucky in 1875. Racist, to be sure, but not Ty Cobb level racist.

Remember the love scene between Leslie Nielsen and Priscilla Presley in the Naked Gun? Kinda like that.

You know there are going to be some "journalists" who will be trying with all their might to get Obama to comment on this film, so as to juxtapose his comments with Wilson's statement on the Griffith film.

Yeah, I wish that would happen, but I don't feel optimistic.

I'm very interested in seeing this, but the audience giving a standing ovation before the movie even starts (especially coupled with the AV Club's assessment of some its flaws in execution) makes me think that some — only some, I stress — of the inevitable backlash will be warranted.

There is a pretty good movie waiting to be made on the Mann Gulch tragedy. I can't do it justice, but here's a brief description from the U.S. Forest Service:

…and people who do that are dolts at worst, or uninformed at best.
We may travel in different circles, but my observation is that the animus towards "trigger warnings" and the like is aimed mainly at privileged college kids who equate their exposure to different societal views as the same as a rape victim's unwanted

Except that it's not. I am sure that there are exceptions to be found, but the overwhelming critique of "safe spaces" and "trigger warnings" by major outlets — whether conservative or middle of the road — has focused on privileged and sheltered college students using them to prevent someone espousing beliefs

Based on my observations, I think the weight of skepticism towards things like "triggers" and "safe places" is not against the concepts themselves, but the circumstances in which those terms are used.

In fairness, how many songs with a similar romanticism have been written about New York City, for example?

I've been to Sedona a few times and loved it. I stay far away from the hippy-dippy types and just enjoy the hiking, though. If you do that, it's very easy to love.

I think you might be overthinking the meaning of the song.

I will always have a soft spot for this guy due to his "Inconsiderate Cell Phone Guy" bit that used to play during the previews at my local movie theater.

That ended up being so annoying, because the person answering the question would invariably turn it into doing something to harm bad people.

If there's one thing I can't stand, it's quadriplegics who refuse to even try using chopsticks. It's like they feel entitled or something.

"I feel like I need to clarify that I'm upvoting because I laughed..[and]…support[] the sentiment"

"Whole Wide World" is a stone-cold classic and the best individual song Eric ever recorded, but I think Big Smash was his best album

"Whole Wide World" is a stone-cold classic and the best individual song Eric ever recorded, but I think Big Smash was his best album

Because of this movie, sometimes when I'm going through a building with multiple doorways I will say to myself "Another door?!! Another door?!!! Another door?!!!"

I think there's been a big uptick, though, even taking that this is an election year. I just did a google search of articles in the AV Club pre-2008 election that referenced Sarah Palin, for example, and literally found a handful where she was the subject. We seem to get a handful of articles about Trump each day.