Jeff D.

I'm sure he's a wonderful person, but I absolutely hate Reeves Gabrels's guitar work. Music notes sound better when there is a space or two between them.

I remember being both angered at the list, but also pleased that I wasn't alone in thinking the saxophone is the worst thing about "Jungleland." I like a good deal of Clemons's contributions, but the sax was as unnecessary as the last five minutes of piano in Derek & the Dominoes "Layla."

"never really sure what this song is about."

Might as well note here that I love when Bowie plays saxophone. He didn't play it on Modern Love or Young Americans, but it's a treat to me when he plays on albums like Pin-Ups or Lulu's cover of "The Man Who Sold the World." He has a distinctive sound and style that, while not technically "good," works great for me.

A shockingly small percentage of Asian women are comfortable with aspiring boyfriends calling them "little China girls." Particularly when those men follow up by mentioning that they have visions of swastikas in their heads. Creeps them out for some reason.

Funny you mention that, because I was just listening to the Michael Stanley Band's "He Can't Love You," which is significantly helped by Clemons's sax (white guy is fake-playing it in the vid, though):

It was this song that started my obsession with Bowie. Just a perfect pop song.

First half is a really charming power-pop album. Second half is boring and too samey.

Booger Red was the best version. Loved heel biker Taker.

As soon as the opening credits started, with the shots of LA, the kickass music, hot-pink lipstick writing of the credits, I knew I was watching a movie that would push all my buttons.

Well, there was that time in the Thin White Duke period where he did the "Sieg Heil" gesture in Germany…

In fairness to Goodman though, I'm sure he's really embarrassed about that discussion now. Twenty-five years have passed since then.

I know a few black people who enjoy Taylor Swift.

I prefer Iggy's version. But there is something hilarious about a song with the line "visions of swastikas in my head" being a huge pop hit in the early 1980s.

I'm not saying it's the clear-cut best cover of The Man Who Sold the World, but when I'm in an upbeat mood, nothing beats Lulu's version.

Actually heard someone exclaim "He's covering Nirvana!" when Bowie played the song at a joint Bowie/NiN concert in the mid-90s.

He's played an assortment of instruments on various records, including rhythm guitar on Lodger.

Well, it's true they've been very, very light in an humor directed towards him. Compare and contrast the routine portrayal of Hilary at any point over the past decade to that of Obama o, for instance. SNL alumnus even admitted this on multiple occasions — they had trouble thinking of skits that mocked him. The

That is a much better combo than 1997 Michaels and 2006 Benoit.

First thing I saw from him was the video for "Lightning Strikes." I watched it five times in a row while I tried to figure out whether it was the best or worst thing ever.