Jeff D.

Friend, we have different tastes. I haven't listened to any new music/spoken word material by Jello in the last 15 or so years, but I can't think of any musical output of his post-1985 that I enjoyed, except perhaps the album with Mojo Nixon (and that was mostly Mojo).

Controversial (?) opinion: the most talented member of the Dead Kennedys was East Bay Ray.

It is a miracle that our criminal justice system works reasonably well ("reasonably well" is a qualifier that can be as charitable as you want it to be) given all the obvious opportunities for human error. Not least among them being that I wouldn't trust 12 average people to reach a firmly-grounded consensus about

I feel strangely invested in the theme song being a close enough variation to the original that Bob Mould continues to get residuals.

Has anyone gone back and watched the Kilborn years to see how well they've held up? I realize that comedy is often a temporal thing, but I remember enjoying it quite a bit.

He had to show range, which is a rarity for Jackson's big roles.

Following up on your comment about Django's use of music, what did you think of its use of Jim Croche's "I Got a Name"?

More pleasant the normal, in part because I'm riding high on the knowledge that the most of the Bullet Club and Nakamura will be coming to the WWE. That has the potential to be phenomenal.

It was the only decent part of the movie. Maybe it was just one of those days where things hit you wrong, but that was literally the worst film I've seen in many years.

If Hispanic culture is a big thing for you, there are tons of dream cities besides L.A.! San Diego is a two and a half hour drive south, and is way more interesting.

This movie had your standard Samuel Jackson performance. Django, on the other hand, might have been the best role I've ever seen him do.

I thought the gun violence was so over-the-top to be comical.

I generally liked the movie, and have liked most of QT's films, but it really hit me more than ever before that he has some issues with black people. Nothing malicious, but if I was a black person I think I'd be uncomfortable around him.

The Orbison song at the end is great.

It would be something if he got pardoned and was convicted of a different murder a few years afterwards.

I'm generally in favor of due process and all that, but we should arrest the creator of this video immediately, because if he isn't already a murderer, he'll be a serial killer soon enough.

And Houston is the fourth most populous city in the U.S. That doesn't mean that, if people could pick their "dream location," they'd ever pick those two cities.

Who the hell would want to live in Hollywood if they didn't work there?

I do not trust everything Whedon says.

I struggle to contemplate why Whedon (or any big-time movie star, for that matter) does anything after a certain point. Whedon's gotta have at least $50 million by this point. Why ever put yourself through even the slightest amount of stress to make another couple million?