Jeff D.

Not just a veteran, but a legitimate war hero. And Stewart, who was already a big-time star and Oscar winner when he started his service, could have easily gotten a cushy "public relations" role stateside instead of doing what he did.

I really enjoyed Eyes Wide Shut, and I think the "dream-logic" description is a good explanation for why it works for me.

I love this idea!

I disagree with the assessment of Rebel Wilson as ugly. And that's not some PC-type "everyone's beautiful!" stuff. I think she has a pretty face.

There are tons of interesting opportunities for movies related to pro wrestling, particularly concerning the decades before the WWF/WWE had a virtual monopoly. But I'm doubtful any of them would ever get made, or be made well.

I agree with just about everything in your post, but the conclusion reached.

Congratulations, you've just made me envision something more terrifying than the Kardashians…the Kardashians talking about politics on any of the five dozen shows.

Oh, I'm a Silver fan…just haven't been following his work for a couple years. I have no doubt it's a well done website.

He was wounded in part because he pushed a fellow soldier out of the way and took the brunt of the grenade blast, before killing the guy who threw it. I actually don't know if that selfless sacrifice does make you a better leader or not, but I'd like to believe it does.

Tom Selleck would've looked great in a suit!

I laughed at that.

Don't recall the AV Club having a weekday ratings breakdown telling us which show did the best each night/week, etc.

(googles 538 and ESPN)…oh fuck.

Arts and entertainment?

I don't click on lots of things. But there's a trend I find a bit disturbing. I like this website, but feel it's getting away from what made it great. The quality of the writing and analysis has gone down noticeably since the great exodus of AV Club writers a year or two ago, while the political coverage or

No, it does. It's useful to segment things. I don't want a blog devoted to making great food to become interspersed with commentary about presidential politics because. I don't want ESPN to start reporting and opining about U.S. operations in Syria.

When they start covering the evening news and business shows and comparing their respective ratings, or commenting about an ISIS video uploaded on youtube and seen by millions worldwide, please let me know.

I said this in another thread, but please stop covering politics AV Club. Just because politicians are on television doesn't mean that they are a form of
entertainment. The confusion is why someone like Donald Trump has
become a legitimate presidential candidate.You're a website devoted to film, television, books,

One of the worst aspects of modern politics is how it's become another form of popular entertainment. It's the reason why a guy like Trump is able to be a legitimate presidential candidate — we can't distinguish between the serious and the entertaining anymore. A politician is just another celebrity.

If you haven't already, you really need to see Lost Soul: The Doomed Journey of Richard Stanley's Island of Doctor Moreau. It's on Netflix streaming, and it approaches Spinal Tap-level hilariousness at points, both in terms of the descriptions of prior events and the actual interview subjects.