Jeff D.

Definitely the former.

That is a guy I need to see before it's too late. I waited too long to see AC/DC (not going to be the same without Malcolm Young), and I fear that Roky is not much longer for this world.

He produced a few Roky Erickson albums, so he's cool by me.

Eh. There's a reasonable argument that they were the best American rock n'roll band of all time, Fogerty's voice isn't completely shot, and Cook & Clifford have remained sharp playing all those CCR songs for decades now. I'm in no hurry to see a reunited CCR, but it would be a good show.

Are you angling for the job?

I don't keep up with all things Patton, but my observation is that he's mellowed over the last couple years.

Standards and expectations for radio are different than television. Limbaugh wasn't able to keep a job in television. Glenn Beck couldn't keep his job at Fox News, either. Both continue to do just fine on talk radio. Olbermann would, too.

And once again I sigh thinking of poor Richard Jewell.

Dead Weather is the best band I've ever heard that doesn't have any songs I actually like, or can even remember 30 seconds after hearing them.

Yeah, there was a plagiarism lawsuit by brought by another author, Harold Courlander, and apology by Haley (along with an undisclosed settlement).

Well, dealing with the mentally ill's access to them is a lot more manageable an issue. There are almost more guns than people in the United States. It's really hard to do meaningful gun control at that point.

I refuse to accept that a show with a Waylon Jennings theme song can reasonably be labelled "terrible."

Sorry, done trying to reasonably debate someone who seems incapable of having one, and whose idea of a rebuttal is to continually (and falsely) accuse his opponent of being some Christian conservative zealot.

I appreciate the recognition that people can take differing views of these things without being monsters. By way of background, I would helpfully add that actually I do know quite a bit about transgender issues, once had a friendly acquaintance who was trans, and that nothing said in Oliver's rant/dialogue wasn't

This argument proves too much, though. Of course people can sympathize with disenfranchised groups seeking better treatment. The trans community isn't special in this regard.

I am a HUGE Alexander Hamilton fan after reading Ron Chernow's biography of him a couple years ago.

1.) I said "as a general rule," There are exceptions.

Ugh. I've said repeatedly — news coverage is a zero-sum game. We need to prioritize issues of importance.

As a general rule, the more people adversely affected, the greater significance of the story.

I recognize it would be a lot easier to have an argument if I was claiming trans people are yucky, gays should die, etc.