Vinny Showdown

Some mid-20 something girls next to me in the theater started giggling during that scene. I wanted to scream "DO YOU NOT HAVE SOULS?!?"

those forearms tho

There's a very weird, of-it's-time, beautiful charm to the original VII that I doubt this will capture. I'm also probably never going to have a PS4 so I wouldn't be playing it anyway.

I bought Betrayal at House on the Hill on sale from Amazon this week and now am badgering my friends to play it sometime because it sounds so fun. They sounded like they're down but we just gotta figure out a night. Listening to Harry Crane's board game podcast has gotten me on a real kick for them now.

When you come from humble beginnings and make it big, you either remain as humble as possible or think you're God's gift to mankind.

In fact she can't. She left Dexter to write Twilight and as soon as she left the show shit the bed.

Is it the shot on iPhone Tangerine or the other Tangerine? (There are two right? Why are there two?)

Record the 70 minute movie in one take on an original iPad.

This past summer I worked at a call center for a medical records retrieval company. I wasn't selling anything, so all things considered it was probably one of the "better" call center jobs one could have. I originally planned to work eight weeks, and a week into the job I cut it back to seven. I was like "nope. An

The prequels are better than the Hobbit movies, but the change in quality between LOTR and Hobbit is greater than the change between OT and PT.

"R2! I'm sitting here in pieces, and you're off having delusions of grandeur!"

That was Joshua Alston not Todd. Josh helped us all get through that final season of hell. REMEMBER HIM!

I agree with the choking someone part, but not entirely with you kid part. I don't want to discredit the racial element of the high school assault, but I think that's a case where racism and the fetishistic view some adults have of using violence to punish children combined. So if it was a white kid who disobeyed

The police car hasn't even stopped by the time Rice is dead.

Oh shit you guys he figured it out. It's the black people who are the real racists!

Criminals don't deserve to be executed without trial.

That won't happen until a good amount of people recognize what's happening as brutality. Many of them see someone getting choked while saying they can't breathe or being flung across a classroom as just punishment for not obeying authority without question.

This incident kind of brings up that a lot of adults have a borderline fetishistic view of adults using violence to punish children.

I'm not agreeing with It Follows being about STDs. It's about the inevitability of death. The movie uses sex as the last "checkpoint" to adulthood, and it's at adulthood (for most people) when you're own mortality becomes evident.

You're not the hero we deserve, but the one we need.