He's too busy denying he's gay to listen to the phone calls he gets.
He's too busy denying he's gay to listen to the phone calls he gets.
Considering some of the historically inaccurate howlers in Feud, that above statement is hilarious.
Yeah, actually, I have.
As I've shown, it isn't imaginary. And of course PC people are deciding what language is appropriate. It guides what gets blocked here or even published. The very fact that newspapers and magazines will use a Victorianism like "the 'n' word" proves it. As does the difficulty when discussing gay culture of referring to…
And pretty much an outsider within the party itself.
I think this is close to genuinely insane. You realize conservatives could make the same arguments about alternative lifestyles and STDs and AIDS, right? Seriously, shut the fuck up and let people live as they choose, and stop trying to play Mommy and Daddy to the world.
Your first paragraph is nonsense because PC rules don't indicate a consensus among the people in the actual groups referenced.
Oh, when you force people to use language and espouse only concepts you endorse, that's being an asshole all right.
It's cherry-picking, and it ignores things like Clinton throwing gays and lesbians under the bus with DADT and DOMA, or a majority Republican-nominated SCOTUS abolishing sodomy laws and legalizing gay marriage.
Morgan listed but not discussed. A shame.
It's PC to jump on people for accidentally using the wrong word or for using a word in context (say, quoting a book or movie or song which uses said word). I get it, you want to police social behavior: it's what makes you PC.
We need a serial killer named Son of South Park.
Apparently you can't…
I hear that in the voice of Nathan.
I don't agree with how you implicate South Park in this, but I like your post and it has given me something to think about. Thanks.
When you not only stop people from expressing bigoted notions, but even using the "n-word" in context, that is P.C. When you insist that someone who says Oriental is expressing prejudice because they didn't say "Asian," that is P.C. When you jump on someone who defends the rights of people who believe they were born…
I'm Gen X. Not saying we don't do that, just not sure what generation you're referring to.
The Three Stooges have a lot to answer for!
Which is why I made one.
Stop practicing your mirror work on me.