
"I was going to punch you, but I'm holding wine."

Fartsy Cline? Farty LaBelle? Dolly Fartin'?

I thought it worked only because of the "human equivalent" of my food line.

Kerry Washington killed it earlier this season.

The Wise Guys sketch was so bad it was basically a parody of bad SNL sketches.

Calling the show "rarely great" in every article is getting pretty tiresome.

Bey Grips

Oh I actually love that movie. Not only does it have some classic Worst Witch era Fairuza Balk awesomeness but the shock treatment scenes in the beginning are harsh enough to haunt you for a thousand lifetimes. That's what makes the chicken so painful. I can only imagine it'd be even worse now, given the hellscape of

If this were 20 years ago, they may have been able to sneak this audition through without the embarrassing publicity, which I'm guessing they were trying to avoid. But, boy, are they going to get it.

Weren't you burned hard enough by the talking chicken in the Return to Oz movie to want to avoid this? I know the character was also in the books but those jokes HURT. They hurt bad.

I liked the hallucinated Virginia scenes, even though they were a tad corny (hell, everything I like about this show is a tad corny), and I think they provided the best line of the episode, which fits right into your "What's missing?" theory: She tells them that if he placates other men's fears about their penis-size,

Otto used to live here in New Orleans so I only picked up on him by catching his work in free publications around town. He recently moved to Chicago so the free ride is over, but hopefully being in a bigger city will get him more exposure. The dude's a genius. Stink Helmet is his biggest effort yet. It's like if

A very obvious follow-up to Killer Joe. Friedkin is getting SO predictable in his old age.

I really liked The To-Do List. I can't think of a raunchier female-lead teen comedy. I was expecting it to be mediocre but it got really, really dirty.

His convincing the restaurant patron to dance had me howling.

Hahaha "a small group of misinformed individuals", I'd love to see SeaWorld release a "their side of the story" documentary, where the whales aren't separated from their young & locked in cages until they become psychopaths & eat arms. I'd love to see this because I love bullshit.

Yeah Strange Mercy is her best work so far.