
The moment the news of a Ghostbusters reboot broke, expressions of doubt, judgment and, unfortunately, just plain old anger about it on the internet were inevitable. Too bad that, it seems, nobody warned Kristen about it.

Bruce Willis was so great as David Addison. He has never been funnier, more charming, more likeable or more sympathetic in any other role, imo.

Just cuz we don't know much about rocks and rock formations doesn't mean we're dumb, John. Sheesh.

Yes! Exactly!

A Wolverine?

Of course it did! The name's Zoolander, not Zoocrasher.

Throne Greyhound: Santa Stark's little helper.

So what's their mileage like? And do they run better on Type A, B, O or AB?

"Taps into the playful sense of suburban ennui that powered the 1983 original…. Thirtysomething years later…the same type of trip…the same type of magic."

In the book, he's a geneticist and he helps her find out who her biological father is. He also helps her repair her broken relationship with her stepfather. And he takes her on (what becomes) a romantic trip to New York City (they're from Australia) along the way. So he actually does some stuff that helps him "win her

Yes! This might mean something! Or nothing.


“Stab him again… His soul’s still dancing.”

“You’ll be seeing a lot of changes around here. Johnny’s got a brand new bag.”

“Go ahead and rearrange my writing”

"Best, one could say of Nailed"

"Something worth seeing. Still excited to see it."

Expecting characters that are completely unreal and unrealistic, and that were never intended to be realistic, to look realistic is itself unreal and unrealistic.

Sometimes the funny business can be a very sad, angry, and unfunny business.

The fact that Adam Sandler calls it "hilarious" is a huge red flag.