
Did she shame her? I thought she said that she should not give in to her lover next time? There was no birth control available at 1891, only "don't have sex unless you want to get pregnant" -option. Anyway, the girl got her revenge for that, didn't she?

you are like my best friend, fellow cat person.

So Madame Kalis house is basically a glorified witches cottage. I cannot unsee it now. I really loved the dynamics between Granny Weatherwax and Tiffany Aching.

I think Lily has picked up Victors accent while she was still undead. Victor chatting her up while she bathed has affected her.

Maybe he doesn't know how to read or write.

I think he is planning that when she is "finished" Caliban will take Lily and they will leave London. And that she hasn't remembered her past until then. Let Caliban deal with all of it when shit hits the fan.

There was one that looked like Ferdinand Lyle.

I don't think we were shown the full attack?

No, Liam threw up his larvae to Stoddarts innards. But if the Tube can cure frost bites it can also cure burns, as they are more or less the same thing.

Only Ronnie, Jason and Carrie knew about the sold tusk and they are not telling now, are they?

Dan went to Stoddarts house after Hildur told him that Stoddart plans to withdraw the permit to build the ice hotel. He gets drunk first and then goes to demand answers. Vincent rings at the front door but gets no answer so goes upstairs to balcony door. Dan comes to front door, hears the glass break in balcony and

I don't know what's the fuss about the dogs. The dog farm is right next to town and it would make sense to locate it to outskirts and not to resident area. I'm sure they are fed.

Jason seemed to be semi-aware of what he did. Wasn't he in the group who wanted to lynch the Russian? And being the mob leader he is also likely candidate to write "monster" to Liams house. So later in home he realized what he did to Ronnie and understood that he was like Liam, sick. Maybe he wanted to apologize or

Liam got it from mammoth. Ronnie got it from Jason, who also got it from mammoth.

They need to stick Poor Vincent to the tube with the pig.

Would somene be kind enough to explain how do you get infested with that shit? Apparently NOT by stinging, as I understood that Vincent was not likely to have the eggs in his blood. But how did Elena get it?

Yeah I think the ones that get bitten by fly will get sick. The boy first when they found the corpse, then the shop lady, then Jason when he was checking out the mammoth. Poor Vincent, he never had a chance in Fortitude :(

So after this episode we know all the big secrets. Who killed Pettigrew and that fly larvae life cycle causes the killings. Now what is left to see is how they will survive this. I don't think they will. I think the last episode will end with several people getting the fever. The show started with Vincent coming to

Dan went to Stoddart right after he heard from Hildur that Proffessor is going to cancel the permission to build the hotel. That's why he was there.

Dude, he force fed a woman who was clearly I'll and said no repeatedly. If that is not an assault I don't know what is. That dude is a horrible person.