
I'd doubt Bannon would sing it. The guy who wrote the song (Irving Berlin) was Jewish.

Mayor Quimby: "Are these people getting dumber or louder?"
Aide: "Dumber, sir."

Also, she seemed to be vocally channelling Kathleen Turner in that movie. I detected a similar husky rasp to her character's voice.

Another reason could be Animal House takes place in the early 60s which, even in 1978 when the movie came out, was considered an unenlightened time in terms of attitudes toward women. There's less objection because many people (especially those who were around during Animal House's time period) know how sexist things

Joel was likely referencing a George Carlin routine where he talks about watching old movies and wondering how many people in it are now dead. He did that bit on the first episode of SNL which, fittingly enough, was rerun shortly after Carlin died.

I first saw that movie when I was in high school and it depressed the hell out of me. I thought that dying Texas town was a black hole that ended up sucking Timothy Bottoms' character back in at the end. Was that how you saw it?

When I first saw that episode, I was old enough to realize that was soon going to happen to me much like it did for people in my parents' generation years before. However, when it did happen, I still ended up being surprised what the new *it* turned out to be.

Even before Zodiac I thought "Hurdy Gurdy Man" sounded rather creepy. Apparently David Fincher did too.

Mostly the same with me but I always think of Billy Bats sealing his fate by saying, "Now go home and get your fucking shinebox!"

As I recall, it was because the old bitch was a bit of a racist.

Just out of curiosity, was this a Jesuit school?

I think OCD probably played a role.

I agree that Rourke was seriously miscast. Even with the white dye job he still looked like someone who was still in high school when the US pulled out of Vietnam in 1973.

Burton's probably a mellow laid-back kind of dude when compared with somebody like Stanley Kubrick.

Just out of curiosity, has Emily Watson ever played an unsympathetic character or outright villain?

I believe she was 19 and playing a 30 year old. Too bad she looked like she was 12 at the time.

Her performance as Bellatrix reminded me so much of a Manson Girl, that I wondered if had read "Helter Skelter" beforehand.

What you said about HBC's casting as Lovett in Sweeney Todd can also be said about Depp's casting as Sweeney. Both were not exactly known for their singing voices and playing characters that in the stage version were at least 15 years older. That being said, I did not have a problem with making the two main

Also, there'd be a delay caused by the set being destroyed in a meteor strike.

Also, in addition to Holly and Cooke, Chuck Berry wrote most of his songs.