Yup, being discussed below. BJenks beat you to the punch.
Yup, being discussed below. BJenks beat you to the punch.
Apparently someone in the military commented that this will force democrats to make Identity Politics a core of their message in 2018 and 2020. Which will not sit well, by the Republicans calculations, in White working class states. So other than pure azzholiness and transphobia it's a utilitarian move.
I'd take death over being captured. Especially if I know the risk of capture is torture followed by possible death at any rate.
Are people surprised by this? Have you forgotten how he was captured in the first place? He disregarded orders and though himself a daredevil, flew over a zone he had no business flying over, was shot down and subsequently captured. During captivity he immediately sold out and gave all the information he had to the…
Maybe they oughta pull out the tapes of him scoring from midfield on various occasions.
Never heard them say anything to the contrary.
It would definitely have to have an American slant to put the King of Soccer as rank 22 on a list of athletes. As in, literally the single best soccer player in world history, the most popular and arguably most competitive sport around the world, and he places 22??
Other Brazilian athletes worth mentioning: Ronaldhino, Rivaldo, Cafú.
Pele is only 22??? I call that list BS and made by an American. I swear to Marx I better not find Michael Jordan placing higher on that list…
Yup, I think one of the best birthdays I've had in a while. Plenty of fun and booze.
It just dawned upon me that this was your article. Glad you've been able to pull through and I hope you're in a happier place or enjoying some sort of stability. Never be ashamed to reach out whenever you're in need. Depression is a silent killer.
There are people who are worth their weight in gold.
So I just turned 31 today (not so yay) and apparently I had a transient ischaemic attack (mini stroke) yesterday as I was seeing double. Nothing too severe according to the neurologist, but I'm going to have to take a break from punching N a z i s and stressing out too much. The only feasible way I see that remotely…
Sessions apparently.
This is why I was arguing in the last thread not to normalize this creepy-azz, sh*t.
Not if they control the Supreme Court…
So yeah, apparently this administration has decided to take up Spencer's calls of ethnic cleansing in a very sneaky-azz way: by offering reduced jail time to inmates who decide to undergo birth control procedures. The measure was signed by none other than Sessions, who knows damn well POC make up the largest section…
I would congratulate her on that shade if it wasn't because Shinzo Abe is a very vocal fascist and n a z i adjacent.
"White supremacy and self-professed n a z i fuckboy Richard Spencer terrorizes town, with a manifestation reminiscent of the days when the KKK lynched Blacks. Locals have called upon federal authorities to include the Alt Right among the groups of domestic terrorists. We feel this is an appropriate call to make, at…
Ma'am I don't need payment. I consider it my civic duty (as well as my pleasure) to punch bigots in the face.